(typeof PRELOADED !== 'undefined' ? PRELOADED : PRELOADED = {})['project'] = ({"response":{"models":[7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18],"resources":{"project:7":{"id":7,"name":"Education","lang":"en","title":"Education","subtitle":"Investing in future generations","abstract":"We support children and young people financially by paying school fees, buying books or bus rentals, etc. In this way, we give them an education and thus a better chance in their future lives.","support":"","yearStart":"2017","yearEnd":"0","description":"Education is a fundamental pillar for a functioning economy, for democracy and for the future of Rwanda. Many Rwandan families don't have the financial means to send their children to school. Many teens are forced to work to help their families and do not have the opportunity to follow a study that they like and that is appropriate to their abilities. \n\nWe financially support children and teens who attend primary school (duration: 6 years), secondary school (duration: 6 years) or a theoretical and practical training program lasting one year - TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) - for teens interested in a job that requires a lot of practicality as, for example, the plumber or electrician. We pay tuition fees, buy books or bus tickets and much more. \n\nEvery year we analyze individual cases and their main needs with our local partners so that we can offer them targeted support. The beneficiaries of the project are individually monitored throughout the school year and thus have a clear point of reference that can help and guide them in case of problems at school but also at home. \n\nIn addition, we financially support young adults in their university or vocational education. \n\nWe firmly believe in the enormous importance of a good education and are therefore committed to accompanying children and young people on their scholastic journey in order to offer them a better future. ","totalCosts":"8000","yearlyCosts":"8000","currentFunds":"5000","picture":"56d6beb5da2abca87420d5c00f4903697b8a5393283d8bf04c903b5d4e1ebc96a1f1ffcc9725dbc51a1adc3620ed0965aae769f63d4c9fe1755cfb0d7b5e23c3","hidden":"0","continuous":"1","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:8":{"id":8,"name":"Education","lang":"de","title":"Bildung","subtitle":"Wir investieren in die Generationen von morgen","abstract":"Wir unterst\u00fctzen Kinder und Jugendliche finanziell durch die Bezahlung von Schulgeb\u00fchren, dem Kauf von B\u00fcchern oder Busbillieten etc. So erm\u00f6glichen wir ihnen eine Ausbildung und damit eine bessere Chance in ihrem zuk\u00fcnftigen Leben.","support":"","yearStart":"2017","yearEnd":"0","description":"Bildung ist ein Grundpfeiler f\u00fcr eine funktionierende Wirtschaft, f\u00fcr die Demokratie und f\u00fcr die Zukunft Ruandas. Viele ruandische Familien haben nicht die finanziellen Mittel, ihre Kinder zur Schule zu schicken. Viele Jugendliche sind gezwungen, zu arbeiten, um ihren Familien zu helfen, und haben nicht die M\u00f6glichkeit, einer Studie zu folgen, die ihnen gef\u00e4llt und die ihren F\u00e4higkeiten entspricht. \n\nWir unterst\u00fctzen finanziell Kinder und Jugendliche, die die Grundschule (Dauer: 6 Jahre), die Sekundarschule (Dauer: 6 Jahre) oder eine einj\u00e4hrige theoretische und praktische Ausbildung - TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) - f\u00fcr Jugendliche, die sich f\u00fcr einen Job interessieren, der viel Praxisn\u00e4he erfordert, wie z.B. der Sanit\u00e4r oder Elektriker. Wir zahlen Studiengeb\u00fchren, kaufen B\u00fccher oder Busfahrkarten und vieles mehr. \n\nJedes Jahr analysieren wir mit unseren lokalen Partnern Einzelf\u00e4lle und deren Hauptbed\u00fcrfnisse, um ihnen gezielte Unterst\u00fctzung anbieten zu k\u00f6nnen. Die Beg\u00fcnstigten des Projekts werden w\u00e4hrend des gesamten Schuljahres individuell betreut und verf\u00fcgen so \u00fcber einen klaren Orientierungspunkt, der sie bei Problemen in der Schule, aber auch zu Hause unterst\u00fctzen und begleiten kann. \n\nAu\u00dferdem unterst\u00fctzen wir junge Erwachsene finanziell bei ihrer Hochschul- oder Berufsausbildung. \n\nWir glauben fest an die enorme Bedeutung einer guten Bildung und engagieren uns daher daf\u00fcr, Kinder und Jugendliche auf ihrem schulischen Weg zu begleiten, um ihnen eine bessere Zukunft zu bieten. ","totalCosts":"8000","yearlyCosts":"8000","currentFunds":"5000","picture":"56d6beb5da2abca87420d5c00f4903697b8a5393283d8bf04c903b5d4e1ebc96a1f1ffcc9725dbc51a1adc3620ed0965aae769f63d4c9fe1755cfb0d7b5e23c3","hidden":"0","continuous":"1","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:9":{"id":9,"name":"Education","lang":"it","title":"Educazione","subtitle":"Investiamo nelle generazioni del domani","abstract":"Sosteniamo finanziariamente bambini e giovani pagando le tasse scolastiche, acquistando libri o biglietti per l\u2019autobus e tanto altro. In questo modo, offriamo loro un'istruzione e quindi migliori opportunit\u00e0 per la loro vita futura.","support":"","yearStart":"2017","yearEnd":"0","description":"L\u2019educazione \u00e8 un pilastro fondamentale per un\u2019economia funzionante, per la democrazia e per il futuro del Rwanda. Molte famiglie rwandesi non hanno la disponibilit\u00e0 economica per mandare i propri figli a scuola. Molti adolescenti sono costretti a lavorare per aiutare le loro famiglie e non hanno cos\u00ec la possibilit\u00e0 di seguire uno studio che li appassioni e che sia adeguato alle loro capacit\u00e0. \n\nSosteniamo finanziariamente bambini e ragazzi che frequentano la scuola elementare (durata: 6 anni), la scuola secondaria (durata: 6 anni) o un programma di formazione teorica e pratica della durata di un anno - il TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) - per ragazzi interessati a un mestiere che richiede molta praticit\u00e0 come, per esempio, l'idraulico o l'elettricista. Paghiamo loro le tasse d\u2019iscrizione a scuola, acquistiamo libri o biglietti per l\u2019autobus e tanto altro. \n\nOgni anno analizziamo insieme ai nostri partner locali i singoli casi e i loro bisogni principali in modo da poter offrir loro un supporto mirato. I beneficiari del progetto vengono seguiti individualmente durante tutto l'anno scolastico e hanno cos\u00ec un chiaro punto di riferimento che li possa aiutare e guidare in caso di problemi a scuola ma anche a casa. \n\nInoltre, sosteniamo finanziariamente giovani adulti nella loro formazione universitaria o professionale. \n\nCrediamo fermamente nell'enorme importanza di una buona istruzione e ci impegniamo quindi ad accompagnare i bambini e ragazzi durante il loro cammino scolastico per offrir loro un futuro migliore. ","totalCosts":"8000","yearlyCosts":"8000","currentFunds":"5000","picture":"56d6beb5da2abca87420d5c00f4903697b8a5393283d8bf04c903b5d4e1ebc96a1f1ffcc9725dbc51a1adc3620ed0965aae769f63d4c9fe1755cfb0d7b5e23c3","hidden":"0","continuous":"1","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:10":{"id":10,"name":"Scouts","lang":"en","title":"Scouts","subtitle":"Learning by doing","abstract":"Inzira supports the scout unit Lion Serious Scouts with equipment such as tents, sleeping bags and compasses and thus enables them to carry out various scout activities and camps.","support":"","yearStart":"2017","yearEnd":"0","description":"Scouting is a youth education movement born in 1907 from an idea of Robert Baden-Powell that spread throughout the world. The aim of scouting is to encourage the global development of boys and girls, helping them to become adults. With its program of activities, it offers children and teens a variety of experiences that allow them to acquire skills that will be useful for responsible growth and commitment to the community. As in the rest of the world, scouting in Rwanda also offers an annual camp as part of its regular activities. \n\nInzira believes in scouting as an important educational movement also for young Rwandans. We therefore financially support the LSSU unit for its summer camp. Our contribution covers the costs of the poorest members who would otherwise be excluded from this activity. In the past we have brought material such as tents and sleeping bags to allow the organization of the camp, which is an integral part of scout life. Individual requests for help are assessed on a case-by-case basis. \n\nInzira works with the scouts during their annual visits to Rwanda to regularly exchange knowledge such as compass use or first aid.","totalCosts":"800","yearlyCosts":"800","currentFunds":"0","picture":"8e4cf931d9836d2d3c0f6f53e414d51c42aea1bb7b8fec782b4b408d4a16d7860bbc1bc2e375635669717d86456ed5c01c127bb352d269ac1a7f3c2c4811f991","hidden":"0","continuous":"1","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:11":{"id":11,"name":"Scouts","lang":"de","title":"Pfadi","subtitle":"Learning by doing","abstract":"Inzira unterst\u00fctzt die Pfadiabteilung Lion Serious Scouts mit Material wie Zelten, Schlafs\u00e4cken und Komp\u00e4ssen und erm\u00f6glicht ihnen somit verschiedene Pfadiaktivit\u00e4ten und Lager durchzuf\u00fchren.","support":"","yearStart":"2017","yearEnd":"0","description":"Die Pfadi-Bewegung ist eine 1907 aus einer Idee von Robert Baden-Powell entstandene Jugendbildungsbewegung, die sich \u00fcber die ganze Welt verbreitet hat. Ziel des Pfadi ist es, die globale Entwicklung von Jungen und M\u00e4dchen zu f\u00f6rdern und ihnen zu helfen, erwachsen zu werden. Mit seinem Aktivit\u00e4tsprogramm bietet es Kindern und Jugendlichen eine Vielzahl von Erfahrungen, die es ihnen erm\u00f6glichen, F\u00e4higkeiten zu erwerben, die f\u00fcr ein verantwortungsbewusstes Wachstum und Engagement f\u00fcr die Gemeinschaft n\u00fctzlich sind. Wie im Rest der Welt bietet auch in Rwanda die Pfadi-Bewegung ein j\u00e4hrliches Camp als Teil der regul\u00e4ren Aktivit\u00e4ten an. \n\nInzira glaubt, dass die Pfadi auch f\u00fcr Jugendliche in Rwanda eine wichtige Bildungsbewegung ist. Deshalb unterst\u00fctzen wir die LSSU-Abteilung f\u00fcr ihr Sommerlager finanziell. Unser Beitrag deckt die Kosten der \u00e4rmsten Mitglieder, die sonst von dieser T\u00e4tigkeit ausgeschlossen w\u00e4ren. In der Vergangenheit haben wir Material wie Zelte und Schlafs\u00e4cke mitgebracht, um die Organisation des Lagers zu erm\u00f6glichen, das ein integraler Bestandteil des Pfadfinderlebens ist. Einzelne Hilfsanfragen werden von Fall zu Fall gepr\u00fcft. \n\nBei ihren j\u00e4hrlichen Besuchen in Rwanda arbeitet Inzira mit den Pfadi zusammen, um regelm\u00e4\u00dfig Wissen wie Kompassnutzung oder Erste Hilfe auszutauschen.","totalCosts":"800","yearlyCosts":"800","currentFunds":"0","picture":"8e4cf931d9836d2d3c0f6f53e414d51c42aea1bb7b8fec782b4b408d4a16d7860bbc1bc2e375635669717d86456ed5c01c127bb352d269ac1a7f3c2c4811f991","hidden":"0","continuous":"1","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:12":{"id":12,"name":"Scouts","lang":"it","title":"Scouts","subtitle":"Imparare facendo","abstract":"Inzira supporta la sezione scout Lion Serious Scouts con materiale come tende, sacchi a pelo e bussole, consentendo loro di svolgere varie attivit\u00e0 scout e campeggi.","support":"","yearStart":"2017","yearEnd":"0","description":"Lo scoutismo \u00e8 un movimento educativo giovanile nato nel 1907 da un'idea di Robert Baden-Powell che si \u00e8 diffuso in tutto il mondo. Lo scopo dello scoutismo \u00e8 di favorire lo sviluppo globale di ragazzi e ragazze, aiutandoli a diventare adulti. Con il suo programma di attivit\u00e0, offre a bambini e adolescenti diverse esperienze che permettono di acquisire delle competenze che saranno utili per crescere in modo responsabile e di impegnarsi per la comunit\u00e0. Come in tutto il mondo, anche in Rwanda lo scoutismo propone, tra le attivit\u00e0 regolari, anche un campo annuale. \n\nInzira crede nello scoutismo come movimento educativo importante anche per i giovani rwandesi. Sosteniamo quindi finanziariamente la sezione LSSU per il suo campo estivo. Il nostro contributo serve a coprire i costi dei membri pi\u00f9 poveri che altrimenti sarebbero esclusi da questa attivit\u00e0. In passato abbiamo portato materiale quali tende e sacchi a pelo per consentire l'organizzazione del campo, che \u00e8 parte integrante della vita scout. Le singole richieste di aiuto vengono valutate volta per volta. \n\nInzira collabora con gli scout durante le visite annuali in Rwanda per uno scambio regolare di conoscenze quali ad esempio l'utilizzo della bussola o il primo soccorso.","totalCosts":"800","yearlyCosts":"800","currentFunds":"0","picture":"8e4cf931d9836d2d3c0f6f53e414d51c42aea1bb7b8fec782b4b408d4a16d7860bbc1bc2e375635669717d86456ed5c01c127bb352d269ac1a7f3c2c4811f991","hidden":"0","continuous":"1","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:13":{"id":13,"name":"Hygiene","lang":"en","title":"Hygiene Training","subtitle":"Because hygiene is a right, not a privilege","abstract":"Many children in Rwanda, especially in rural areas, lack basic knowledge and training when it comes to hygiene. The Gasabo Scout District organises workshops for about 50 children each. Due to the pandemic, there is a lot of planning uncertainty, but the ","support":"","yearStart":"2019","yearEnd":"2022","description":"Washing hands regularly with soap and water is an effective way of preventing many diseases and thus reducing the mortality rate of the population.\n\nIn their regular work with the children, the Gasabo District scouts found that many children and young people lack the knowledge of hygiene. They developed a project to improve the situation, especially in the more rural areas of the district, in cooperation with the district leaders and school directors. \nThe project offers 3+1 days of training workshops on basic hygiene. The direct beneficiaries are 50 children, selected by the community leaders, who have the task of passing on the acquired knowledge to the family and schoolmates. The three workshops have the following themes: Washing hands, brushing teeth and cleaning and preserving the environment. The fourth workshop is for girls only, and the workshop leaders, like Nicole, will provide important information about the menstrual cycle and how to make reusable panty. This allows girls to attend school and other activities as normal. \n\nInzira supports the implementation of this project financially and supports those responsible by sharing knowledge to ensure its sustainability.","totalCosts":"3500","yearlyCosts":"3500","currentFunds":"1500","picture":"e562dc4ac14bd7109617c7a1fee9e402851dbb57b61939447eed7f6c03add95e765386a9b72668066d45fb7e61a4ebee0f5484936b34fbd41bea565064c7bc02","hidden":"0","continuous":"0","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:14":{"id":14,"name":"Hygiene","lang":"de","title":"Hygieneschulungen","subtitle":"Denn Hygiene ist ein Recht, kein Privileg.","abstract":"Vielen Kinder in Ruanda, speziell in l\u00e4ndlichen Gegenden, fehlt es an grundlegendem Wissen und Schulung wenn es um Hygiene geht. Der Gasabo Pfadi Distrikt organisiert Workshops f\u00fcr ungef\u00e4hr 50 Kinder pro Workshop. Auf Grund der Pandemie besteht viel Planu","support":"","yearStart":"2019","yearEnd":"2022","description":"Das regelm\u00e4\u00dfige H\u00e4ndewaschen mit Seife und Wasser ist ein wirksames Mittel, um vielen Krankheiten vorzubeugen und damit die Sterblichkeit der Bev\u00f6lkerung zu senken.\n\nIn ihrer regelm\u00e4\u00dfigen Arbeit mit den Kindern haben die f\u00fcr den Bezirk Gasabo verantwortlichen Pfades festgestellt, dass vielen Kindern und Jugendlichen das Wissen \u00fcber Hygiene fehlt. Sie entwickelten ein Projekt, das die Situation vor allem in den l\u00e4ndlicheren Gebieten des Bezirks, in Zusammenarbeit mit den Bezirksleitern und Schulleitern, verbessern sollte. \nDas Projekt bietet 3+1 Tage lang Trainingsworkshops zur Grundhygiene an. Die direkten Beg\u00fcnstigten sind 50 Kinder, die von den Gemeindeleitern ausgew\u00e4hlt werden, die die Aufgabe haben, das erlernte Wissen an die Familie und Schulkameraden weiterzugeben. Die drei Workshops haben folgende Themen: H\u00e4ndewaschen, Z\u00e4hneputzen sowie Reinigung und Erhaltung der Umwelt. Der vierte Workshop ist nur f\u00fcr M\u00e4dchen geplant, dem die Workshopleiterinnen wie Nicole wichtige Informationen \u00fcber den Menstruationszyklus vermitteln und zeigen, wie man wiederverwendbare Slipeinlagen herstellt. Dies erm\u00f6glicht es M\u00e4dchen, die Schule und andere Aktivit\u00e4ten ganz normal zu besuchen. \n\nInzira unterst\u00fctzt die Umsetzung dieses Projekts finanziell und unterst\u00fctzt die Verantwortlichen durch den Austausch von Wissen, um dessen Nachhaltigkeit zu gew\u00e4hrleisten.","totalCosts":"3500","yearlyCosts":"3500","currentFunds":"1500","picture":"e562dc4ac14bd7109617c7a1fee9e402851dbb57b61939447eed7f6c03add95e765386a9b72668066d45fb7e61a4ebee0f5484936b34fbd41bea565064c7bc02","hidden":"0","continuous":"0","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:15":{"id":15,"name":"Hygiene","lang":"it","title":"Educazione all'igiene","subtitle":"Perch\u00e9 l'igiene \u00e8 un diritto, non un privilegio","abstract":"Molti bambini rwandesi, soprattutto nelle zone rurali, non dispongono di conoscenze e di una formazione di base in materia di igiene. Il distretto scout di Gasabo organizza workshops per circa 50 bambini. A causa della pandemia, c'\u00e8 molta incertezza nella","support":"","yearStart":"2019","yearEnd":"2022","description":"Lavarsi le mani con il sapone regolarmente \u00e8 un modo efficace per prevenire molte malattie e quindi per diminuire la mortalit\u00e0 della popolazione.\n\nNell'attivit\u00e0 regolare con i ragazzi, gli scout responsabili del distretto di Gasabo si sono accorti della grande mancanza di conoscenze in materia di igiene di molti bambini e ragazzi. Hanno ideato un progetto che possa migliorare la situazione soprattutto nelle zone pi\u00f9 rurali del distretto collaborando con i capi del distretto e i direttori delle scuole. \nIl progetto propone durante 3+1 giorni dei workshops di formazione sull'igiene di base. Beneficiari diretti sono 50 bambini scelti dai capi della comunit\u00e0, che hanno il compito di diffondere le conoscenze apprese alla famiglia e ai compagni scuola. I 3 workshop hanno come temi: lavarsi le mani, lavarsi i denti e la pulizia e conservazione dell'ambiente circostante. Il quarto workshop \u00e8 dedicato solo alle ragazze, infatti le animatrici come ad esempio Nicole, oltre a dare importanti informazioni sul ciclo mestruale, insegnano loro a produrre gli assorbenti in tessuto. Questa attivit\u00e0 \u00e8 molto importante perch\u00e9 avere gli assorbenti permette alle ragazze di frequentare la scuola e altre attivit\u00e0 quotidiane normalmente. \n\nInzira sostiene l'attuazione di questo progetto finanziariamente e affianca i responsabili con lo scambio di conoscenze per assicurarne la sostenibilit\u00e0.","totalCosts":"3500","yearlyCosts":"3500","currentFunds":"1500","picture":"e562dc4ac14bd7109617c7a1fee9e402851dbb57b61939447eed7f6c03add95e765386a9b72668066d45fb7e61a4ebee0f5484936b34fbd41bea565064c7bc02","hidden":"0","continuous":"0","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:16":{"id":16,"name":"Trainings","lang":"en","title":"Trainings","subtitle":"Project management: the importance of learning how to plan","abstract":"Inzira organises basic project management training and tries to give participants useful skills for their future projects. ","support":"","yearStart":"2017","yearEnd":"0","description":"Inzira is a fairly small association that manages to promote ad-hoc training developed on the basis of the needs of the community and the beneficiaries themselves. Inzira has thus organized and financed in 2018-2019 basic courses in project management, which have been very well attended and appreciated. \n\nIn the next few years more specific project management trainings will be promoted and it has also been asked to offer courses in basic accounting and financial management.","totalCosts":"0","yearlyCosts":"0","currentFunds":"0","picture":"8393f47289369d7ddbe6e74f5cec98b024e3807d51ab03aff01206e2be4bcd015b03bddd0ab0ae19909a899e34d7d4219ca5f919915076f58b765f09c023697c","hidden":"0","continuous":"1","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:17":{"id":17,"name":"Trainings","lang":"de","title":"Trainings","subtitle":"Projektmanagement: die Bedeutung des Lernens des Planens","abstract":"Inzira organisiert grundlegende Projektmanagement-Schulungen und versucht, den Teilnehmern n\u00fctzliche F\u00e4higkeiten f\u00fcr ihre zuk\u00fcnftigen Projekte zu vermitteln. ","support":"","yearStart":"2017","yearEnd":"0","description":"Inzira ist eine recht kleine Vereinigung, die es schafft, Ad-hoc-Bildungen zu f\u00f6rdern, die auf der Grundlage der Bed\u00fcrfnisse der Gemeinschaft und der Beg\u00fcnstigten selbst entwickelt wurden. Inzira hat daher in den Jahren 2018-2019 Grundkurse im Projektmanagement organisiert und finanziert, die sehr gut besucht und gesch\u00e4tzt wurden. \n\nIn den n\u00e4chsten Jahren werden spezifischere Projektmanagement-Trainings gef\u00f6rdert und es wurde auch darum gebeten, Kurse in den Bereichen Rechnungswesen und Finanzmanagement anzubieten.","totalCosts":"0","yearlyCosts":"0","currentFunds":"0","picture":"8393f47289369d7ddbe6e74f5cec98b024e3807d51ab03aff01206e2be4bcd015b03bddd0ab0ae19909a899e34d7d4219ca5f919915076f58b765f09c023697c","hidden":"0","continuous":"1","active":"1","gallery":null},"project:18":{"id":18,"name":"Trainings","lang":"it","title":"Formazioni","subtitle":"Project management: l'importanza di imparare a pianificare","abstract":"Inzira organizza formazioni di base di project management e cerca di dare ai partecipanti competenze utili per i loro progetti futuri. ","support":"","yearStart":"2017","yearEnd":"0","description":"Inzira \u00e8 un'associazione abbastanza piccola che riesce a promuovere delle formazioni ad-hoc sviluppate sulla base delle esigenze della comunit\u00e0 e dei beneficiari stessi. Inzira ha cos\u00ec organizzato e finanziato nel 2018-2019 dei corsi base di project management, che sono stati molto ben frequentati e apprezzati. \n\nNei prossimi anni verranno promossi delle formazioni di project management pi\u00f9 specifiche e ha ricevuto anche la richiesta di proporre dei corsi di contabilit\u00e0 e gestione finanziaria di base.\n\n","totalCosts":"0","yearlyCosts":"0","currentFunds":"0","picture":"8393f47289369d7ddbe6e74f5cec98b024e3807d51ab03aff01206e2be4bcd015b03bddd0ab0ae19909a899e34d7d4219ca5f919915076f58b765f09c023697c","hidden":"0","continuous":"1","active":"1","gallery":null}}},"checksum":"0864c47bc9c954e4924ffbcee811d62ab7dd0361f892cad0a699331961a3a78b","ok":true}).response